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Working with DBF files

This library is used to work with dbf files. The formats dBase III and dBase IV are supported. To be able to work, you should describe a variable of the dbf type. For using this library, it is required to specify the file (from Lib subfolder) with include command.

  • Operations
  • Methods
  • Methods for working with fields


    Operations defined for the variable of dbf type are listed below. The second column contains possible statements where typename is a variable or an expression of the specified type.
    OperationSyntaxReturn typeComments
    ** dbfuintGet the number of records in the database.
    foreachLooking through all records with the help of the foreach operator. The current record is different for each iteration.

    foreach cur,base 
    // cur - number of the current record 


    dbf.appendAdding a record
    dbf.bofFirst record check
    dbf.bottomLast record check
    dbf.closeClosing a database
    dbf.createCreating a database
    dbf.delSettings clearing the deletion mark
    dbf.emptyCreating an empty copy
    dbf.eofChecking if a record is defined in the database
    dbf.geterrorGetting an error code
    dbf.goMoving to a record
    dbf.isdelGetting the record deletion mark
    dbf.openOpening a database
    dbf.packPacking a database
    dbf.recnoGetting the number of the current record
    dbf.skipMoving to another record
    dbf.topMoving to the first record

    Methods for working with fields

    dbf.f_countNumber of fields
    dbf.f_dateGetting a date
    dbf.f_decimalGetting the size of the fractional part in a numerical field
    dbf.f_doubleGetting a numerical value
    dbf.f_findGetting the number of a field by its name
    dbf.f_intGetting the value in the form of a number
    dbf.f_logicGetting a logical value
    dbf.f_memoGet the value of a memo field
    dbf.f_nameField name
    dbf.f_offsetField offset
    dbf.f_ptrPointer to data
    dbf.f_strGetting a value
    dbf.f_typeField type
    dbf.f_widthField size
    dbf.fw_dateWriting a date
    dbf.fw_doubleWriting a numerical value
    dbf.fw_intWriting a numerical value
    dbf.fw_logicWriting a logical value
    dbf.fw_memoWriting a value into a memo field
    dbf.fw_strWriting a value

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