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  1 #include "types.h"
  2 #include "common.h"
  3 #include "vm.h"
  4 #include "gefile.h"
  5 #include "bytecode.h"
  9 void STDCALL gesave_addubyte( pvmEngine pThis, uint val )
 10 {
 11    buf_appendch( pThis, pThis->gesave, ( ubyte )val );
 12 }
 14 void STDCALL gesave_adduint( pvmEngine pThis, uint val )
 15 {
 16 	buf_appenduint( pThis, pThis->gesave, val );
 17 }
 19 void STDCALL gesave_addushort( pvmEngine pThis, uint val )
 20 {
 21 	buf_appendushort( pThis, pThis->gesave, ( ushort )val );
 22 }
 25 void STDCALL gesave_addptr( pvmEngine pThis, pubyte data )
 26 {
 27    buf_append( pThis, pThis->gesave, data, mem_len( pThis, data ) + 1 );
 28 }
 30 void STDCALL gesave_adddata( pvmEngine pThis, pubyte data, uint size )
 31 {
 32    buf_append( pThis, pThis->gesave, data, size );
 33 }
 35 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
 37 uint  STDCALL gesave_bwd( pvmEngine pThis, uint val )
 38 {
 39    if ( val <= 187 )
 40       gesave_addubyte( pThis, val );
 41    else
 42       if ( val < 16830 ) // 0xFF *( 253 - 188 ) + 0xFF
 43       {
 44          gesave_addubyte( pThis, 188 + val / 0xFF );
 45          gesave_addubyte( pThis, val % 0xFF );
 46       }
 47       else
 48          if ( val > MAX_USHORT )
 49          {
 50             gesave_addubyte( pThis, MAX_BYTE );
 51             gesave_adduint( pThis, val );
 52          }
 53          else
 54          {
 55             gesave_addubyte( pThis, MAX_BYTE - 1 );
 56             gesave_addushort( pThis, val );
 57          }
 58    return val;
 59 }
 62 void STDCALL gesave_head( pvmEngine pThis, uint type, pubyte name, uint flag )
 63 {
 64    pThis->gesaveoff = buf_len( pThis, pThis->gesave );
 66    flag &= 0xFFFFFF;
 68    if ( name && name[0] )
 69       flag |= GHCOM_NAME;
 70    else
 71       flag &= ~GHCOM_NAME;
 73    flag |= GHCOM_PACK;
 75    gesave_addubyte( pThis, type );
 76    gesave_adduint( pThis, flag );
 77    // The size will be inserted in gesave_finish
 78    // Now add just one byte
 79    gesave_addubyte( pThis, 0 );
 81    if ( flag & GHCOM_NAME )
 82       gesave_addptr( pThis, name );
 83 }
 85 void STDCALL gesave_finish( pvmEngine pThis )
 86 {
 87    buf  bt;
 88    pbuf pb = pThis->gesave;
 89    uint size = buf_len( pThis, pb ) - pThis->gesaveoff;
 91    if ( size <= 187 )
 92       *( pubyte )(( pubyte )buf_ptr( pThis, pThis->gesave ) + pThis->gesaveoff + 5 ) = ( ubyte )size;
 93    else
 94    {
 95       buf_init( pThis, &bt );
 96       pThis->gesave = &bt;
 97       if ( size < 16800 )
 98       {
 99          size++;
100          gesave_bwd( pThis, size );
101       }
102       else
103          if ( size < 0xFFF0 ) 
104          {
105             gesave_addubyte( pThis, 0xFE );
106             size += 2;
107             gesave_addushort( pThis, size );
108          }
109          else
110          {
111             gesave_addubyte( pThis, 0xFF );
112             size += 4;
113             gesave_adduint( pThis, size );
114          }
115       // Write the size
116       // We have already had one byte, so -1
117       buf_insert( pThis, pb, pThis->gesaveoff + 5, ( pubyte )&size /*any*/, buf_len( pThis, pThis->gesave ) - 1 );
118       mem_copy( pThis, buf_ptr( pThis, pb ) + pThis->gesaveoff + 5, buf_ptr( pThis, pThis->gesave ), buf_len( pThis, pThis->gesave ));
120       buf_delete( pThis, &bt );
121       pThis->gesave = pb;
122    }
123 }
125 void STDCALL gesave_var( pvmEngine pThis, pvartype var )
126 {
127    uint      i;
128    povmtype  ptype;
129    pubyte    ptr;
131    gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(var->type))->id );
132    gesave_addubyte( pThis, var->flag );
134    if ( var->flag & VAR_NAME )
135       gesave_addptr( pThis, var->name );
136    if ( var->flag & VAR_OFTYPE )
137       gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(var->oftype))->id);
139    if ( var->flag & VAR_DIM )
140    {
141       gesave_addubyte( pThis, var->dim );
142       for ( i = 0; i < var->dim; i++ )
143          gesave_bwd( pThis, var->ptr[i] );
144    }
145    if ( var->flag & VAR_DATA )
146    {
147       ptr = ( pubyte )( var->ptr + var->dim );
148       ptype = ( povmtype )PCMD( var->type );
149       if ( ptype->vmo.flag & GHTY_STACK )
150          i = ptype->size;
151       else
152          if ( var->type == TStr )
153             i = mem_len( pThis, ptr ) + 1;
154          else
155          {
156             i = *( puint )ptr;
157             ptr += sizeof( uint );
158             gesave_bwd( pThis, i );   // save data size as bwd
159          }
160       gesave_adddata( pThis, ptr, i );
161    }
162 }
164 void STDCALL gesave_varlist( pvmEngine pThis, pvartype pvar, uint count )
165 {
166    uint i;
168    gesave_bwd( pThis, count );
169    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
170       gesave_var( pThis, pvar++ );
171 }
173 void STDCALL gesave_resource( pvmEngine pThis )
174 {
175    uint     i, count;
176    pcollect pres;
178    pres = &pThis->_vm.resource;
180    gesave_head( pThis, OVM_RESOURCE, "", 0 );
182    count = collect_count( pThis, pres );
183    gesave_bwd( pThis, count );
184    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
185    {
186       gesave_bwd( pThis, collect_gettype( pThis, pres, i ));
187       gesave_addptr( pThis, str_ptr( vmres_getstr( pThis, i )) );
188    }
189    gesave_finish(pThis);
190 }
192 void STDCALL gesave_bytecode( pvmEngine pThis, povmbcode bcode )
193 {
194    pvartype  pvar;
195    uint      i, count = 0, cmd, val;
196    puint     end, ptr;
198    gesave_var( pThis, bcode->vmf.ret );
199    gesave_varlist( pThis, bcode->vmf.params, bcode->vmf.parcount );
201    gesave_bwd( pThis, bcode->setcount );
202    for ( i = 0; i < bcode->setcount; i++ )
203    {
204       gesave_bwd( pThis, bcode->sets[i].count );
205       count += bcode->sets[i].count;
206    }
207    pvar = bcode->vars;
208    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
209       gesave_var( pThis, pvar++ );
211    ptr = ( puint )bcode->vmf.func;
212    if ( ptr )
213    {
214       end = ( puint )( ( pubyte )ptr + bcode->bcsize );
215       while ( ptr < end )
216       {
217          if(*ptr>KERNEL_COUNT)
218              *ptr = ((pvmobj)PCMD(*ptr))->id;
219          cmd = gesave_bwd( pThis, *ptr++ );
220          if ( cmd >= CNop && cmd < CNop + STACK_COUNT )
221             switch ( cmd  )
222             {
223                case CPtrglobal:
224                case CResload:
225                case CCmdload:
226                    cmd = gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(*ptr++))->id );
227                    break;
228                case CQwload:
229                   gesave_adduint( pThis, *ptr++ );
230                   gesave_adduint( pThis, *ptr++ );
231                   break;
232                case CDwload:
233                   val = *ptr++;
234                   if ( val <= 0xFF )
235                   {
236                      buf_ptr( pThis, pThis->gesave )[ buf_len( pThis, pThis->gesave ) - 1 ] = CByload;
237                      gesave_addubyte( pThis, val );
238                   }
239                   else
240                      if ( val <= 0xFFFF )
241                      {
242                         buf_ptr( pThis, pThis->gesave )[ buf_len( pThis, pThis->gesave ) - 1 ] = CShload;
243                         gesave_addushort( pThis, val );
244                      }
245                      else
246                         gesave_adduint( pThis, val );
247                   break;
248                case CDwsload:
249                   i = gesave_bwd( pThis, *ptr++ );
250                   gesave_adddata( pThis, ( pubyte )ptr, i << 2 );
251                   ptr += i;
252                   break;
253                case CDatasize:
254                   i = gesave_bwd( pThis, *ptr++ );
255                   gesave_adddata( pThis, ( pubyte )ptr, i );
256                   ptr += ( i >> 2 ) + ( i & 3 ? 1 : 0 );
257                   break;
258                default:
259                   switch ( shifts[ cmd - CNop ] )
260                   {
261                      case SH1_3:
262                      case SH2_3:
263                         cmd = gesave_bwd( pThis, *ptr++ );
264                      case SHN1_2:
265                      case SH0_2:
266                      case SH1_2:
267                         cmd = gesave_bwd( pThis, *ptr++ );
268                         break;
269                   }
270          }
271       }
272    }
273 }
276 void STDCALL gesave_exfunc( pvmEngine pThis, povmfunc exfunc )
277 {
278    gesave_var( pThis, exfunc->vmf.ret );
279    gesave_varlist( pThis, exfunc->vmf.params, exfunc->vmf.parcount );
281    if ( exfunc->vmf.vmo.flag & GHEX_IMPORT )
282    {
283       gesave_bwd( pThis, exfunc->import );
284       gesave_addptr( pThis, exfunc->original );
285    }
286 }
288 void STDCALL gesave_import( pvmEngine pThis, povmimport import )
289 {
290    gesave_addptr( pThis, import->filename );
291    if ( import->vmo.flag & GHIMP_LINK )
292    {
293       gesave_adduint( pThis, import->size );
294       gesave_adddata( pThis, import->data, import->size );
295    }
296 }
298 void STDCALL gesave_type( pvmEngine pThis, povmtype ptype )
299 {
300    uint      i, k;
301    uint      flag = ptype->vmo.flag;
303    if ( flag & GHTY_INHERIT )
304       gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(ptype->inherit))->id );
306    if ( flag & GHTY_INDEX )
307    {
308       gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(ptype->index.type))->id );
309       gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(ptype->index.oftype))->id );
310    }
311    if ( flag & GHTY_INITDEL )
312    {
313       gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(ptype->ftype[ FTYPE_INIT ]))->id );
314       gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(ptype->ftype[ FTYPE_DELETE ]))->id );
315    }
316    if ( flag & GHTY_EXTFUNC )
317    {
318       gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(ptype->ftype[ FTYPE_OFTYPE ]))->id );
319       gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(ptype->ftype[ FTYPE_COLLECTION]))->id );
320    }
321    if ( flag & GHTY_ARRAY )
322    {
323       i = 0;
324       while ( ptype->ftype[ FTYPE_ARRAY + i ] )
325          i++;
326       gesave_bwd( pThis, i == 1 ? ((pvmobj)PCMD(ptype->ftype[ FTYPE_ARRAY ]))->id : i );
327       if ( i > 1 )
328          for ( k = 0; k < i; k++ )
329             gesave_bwd( pThis, ((pvmobj)PCMD(ptype->ftype[ FTYPE_ARRAY + k ]))->id );
330    }
331    gesave_varlist( pThis, ptype->children, ptype->count );
332 }
334 void STDCALL gesave_define( pvmEngine pThis, povmdefine pdefine )
335 {
336    gesave_varlist( pThis, pdefine->macros, pdefine->count );
337 }
339 uint STDCALL ge_save( pvmEngine pThis, char* fileName, char* isSave)
340 {
341     gehead   head;
342     pgehead  phead;
343     uint     i, ii, count;
344     pvmobj   pvmo;
345     buf       out;
346     str  filename;
347     if ( setjmp( pThis->stack_state) == -1 ) 
348         return 0;
350     str_init( pThis, &filename );
351     str_copyzero( pThis, &filename, fileName );
352     buf_init( pThis, &out );
354     pThis->gesave = &out;
355     buf_reserve( pThis, &out, 0x1ffff );
357    *( puint )&head.idname = GE_STRING;//0x00004547;   // строка GE
358    head.flags = 0;
359    head.crc = 0;
360    head.headsize = sizeof( gehead );
361    head.size = 0;
362    head.vermajor = GEVER_MAJOR; 
363    head.verminor = GEVER_MINOR; 
365    buf_append( pThis, &out, ( pubyte )&head, sizeof( gehead ));
366    // Save resources at the first !
367    gesave_resource(pThis);
369    count = arr_count( pThis, &pThis->_vm.objtbl );
370    for ( i = KERNEL_COUNT; i < count ; i++ )
371    {
372       if(isSave && isSave[i] == 0)
373       {
374          /* gesave_addubyte( pThis, OVM_NONE );
375           gesave_adduint( pThis, GHCOM_PACK);
376           gesave_bwd( pThis, 6 );*/
377           pThis->popravka ++;
378           continue;
379       }
381       pvmo = ( pvmobj )PCMD( i );
382       pvmo->id -= pThis->popravka;
383       //@init @delete @array @oftype @index -не удалять имена
384       if(pThis->isDelName&&(pvmo->flag&GHCOM_NAME)&&pvmo->name&&lstrcmpA("@init",pvmo->name)&&
385           lstrcmpA("@delete",pvmo->name)&&lstrcmpA("@array",pvmo->name)&&
386           lstrcmpA("@oftype",pvmo->name)&&lstrcmpA("@index",pvmo->name))
387       {
388           pvmo->flag &= ~GHCOM_NAME;
389       }else
390           if(pvmo->name)
391              pvmo->flag |= ~GHCOM_NAME;
393       gesave_head( pThis, pvmo->type, pvmo->flag & GHCOM_NAME ? 
394           pvmo->name : NULL, pvmo->flag );
396       switch ( pvmo->type )
397       {
398          case OVM_NONE:
399             break;
400          case OVM_BYTECODE:
401             gesave_bytecode( pThis, ( povmbcode )pvmo );
402             break;
403          case OVM_EXFUNC:
404             ((povmfunc)pvmo)->import = ((pvmobj)PCMD(((povmfunc)pvmo)->import))->id;
405             gesave_exfunc( pThis, ( povmfunc )pvmo );
406             break;
407          case OVM_TYPE:
408              {
409                 for(ii = 0; ii<((povmtype)pvmo)->count; ii++)
410                 {
411                     if(pThis->isDelName)
412                         ((povmtype)pvmo)->children[ii].flag &=~GHCOM_NAME;
413                     else if(((povmtype)pvmo)->children[ii].name)
414                         ((povmtype)pvmo)->children[ii].flag |=GHCOM_NAME;
415                 }
416                 gesave_type( pThis, ( povmtype )pvmo );
417              }break;
418          case OVM_GLOBAL:
419             gesave_var( pThis, (( povmglobal )pvmo)->type );
420             break;
421          case OVM_DEFINE:
422             gesave_define( pThis, ( povmdefine )pvmo );
423             break;
424          case OVM_IMPORT:
425             gesave_import( pThis, ( povmimport )pvmo );
426             break;
427          case OVM_ALIAS:
428             gesave_bwd( pThis, (( povmalias )pvmo)->idlink );
429             break;
430       }
431       gesave_finish(pThis);
432    }
433    // Specify the full size and crc
434    phead = ( pgehead )buf_ptr( pThis, &out );
435    phead->size = buf_len( pThis, &out );
436    phead->crc = crc( pThis, ( pubyte )phead + 12, phead->size - 12, 0xFFFFFFFF );
437    buf2file( pThis, &filename, &out );
438    buf_delete( pThis, &out );
439    str_delete( pThis, &filename );
440    return 1;
441 }