Gentee Free Programming Language


2.5 ( November 7, 2006 )
  • Added the late binding operation '~'. Now it is only used in the COM library.
  • Added COM library for working with COm objects. The sources are available in Sources\OleCom.
  • Added 'callback' function to standard library. You can specify gentee function as callback functions with it.
  • Added ->stdcall and ->cdecl for calling external functions by the address.
  • Added binary numbers in 0b10101 format.
  • Type 'str' became inherited from type 'buf'.
  • Fixed some bugs.

2.3 ( June 19, 2006 )
  • Added 'private' and 'public' commands.
  • Added 'protected' attribute for types.
  • Added 'result' attribute for functions and methods. It allows users to write the returning value to 'result' variable.
  • Added methods 'property'.

2.2 ( May 10, 2006 )
  • Added search paths for 'include' command with a global environment GINCLUDE.
  • For Windows. Added the opportunity to use the first line of .g files for specifying '#!' command line.
  • Added a library for working with XML files.
  • Added a library for data access using ODBC.
  • Released an optimizer of .ge files and EXE linker as the part of Gentee Toolkit.

2.1 ( March 14, 2006 )
  • Added type inheritance and polymorphism.
  • Added default macros $_FILE, $_LINE, $_DATE, $_TIME etc.
  • Added the opportunity of the definition functions with the same names and different parameters.
  • Added functions call ( call functions by the address ), getid ( getting identifier of functions or methods ).

2.0 ( January 12, 2006 )
  • Added exceptions handling (exception, throw, finally).
  • Added a lesson into Tutorial. Finding the position of domains in Google.
  • Added the STDLIB sources.
  • Added quick search methods for string and binary data.

1.8 ( November 15, 2005 )
  • The Gentee programs' speed was increased at 15-20%.
  • Print, replace and other features were added to Gentee Studio.
  • Two lessons were added into Tutorial.
  • Added four lessons about developing the GUI calculator program.
  • Released GUI library with the sources.

1.7 ( September 20, 2005 )
  • Functions that deal with the FTP protocol have been added.
  • The Ge2Exe program applied to create EXE files has been thoroughly revised.
  • Collection type has been added. It is used to initialize arrays and structures; to pass a variable number of arguments of different types to functions.
  • Search has been added to Gentee Studio and Gentee Studio has been improved.

1.6 ( August 8, 2005 )
  • The Gentee Studio editor was added.

1.5 ( July 8, 2005 )
  • The "link" "cdecl," and "exe" attributes were added for the "import" command.
  • The feature of initialization of global variables at their declaration was added
  • A library for working with HTTP protocol was added
  • A library for working with clipboard and keyboard was added
  • All found errors were fixed.

1.4 ( March 24, 2005 )
  • A GT language for storing and handling of text data was created.
  • A library for working with GT data was added.
  • A library for working with DBF files was added.
  • A library for working with trees was added.
  • All found errors were fixed.

1.3 ( January 20, 2005 )
  • Associative arrays (hash tables) were added.
  • Libraries for working with register, csv-files and streams were added.
  • Rerunning and library linking (GE-files) are excluded.
  • The capabilities of working with Gentee from external programs were improved and extended.
  • Two identical source projects in Delphi and MS Visual C/C++, which illustrate working with Gentee, are now available.
  • New functions were added to the standard library.
  • All found errors were fixed.

1.2 ( December 20, 2004 )
  • More than 30 functions were added.
  • A library for working with ini-files was added.
  • Four new lessons were added to the "Tutor" part.
  • A Delphi project example, which uses gentee.dll, is created.
  • All found errors were fixed.

1.1 ( December 1, 2004 )
  • New capabilities of working with strings and binary data.
  • The "text" command was added.
  • New functions were added, including those for searching and copying files by mask.
  • The program for conversion to EXE files is improved.
  • All found errors were fixed.

1.0 ( November 1, 2004 )
  • first version.

 Copyright © 2004-2006 Gentee Inc. All rights reserved.