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  1 define <export> {
  2   SCREEN_SYNCH     = 1
  3   SCREEN_NOSYNCH   = 0
  5 }
  7 type TScreen   <inherit = GAPI_Object>:
  8 type TScreenMode {
  9   int tWidth
 10   int tHeight
 11   int tDepth
 12   int tRefreshRate
 13   int tFrameRate
 14 }
 16 global {
 17   TScreen Screen
 18   arr SCREEN_MODES of TScreenMode
 19   int GAPI_ScreenSynch
 20   TScreenMode GAPI_ScreenMode
 21 }
 23 method int TScreen.GetFreeMem(){
 24   return Screen_GetAvailableMemory()
 25 }
 26 property TScreen.Gamma(int RGB){
 27   Screen_SetGamma(0,0,0,1)
 28   Screen_SetGamma(RGB >> 16,RGB >> 8 & 0xFF,RGB & 0xFF,0)
 29 }
 30 method TScreen.setGamma(int RGB){
 31   Screen_SetGamma(0,0,0,1)
 32   Screen_SetGamma(RGB >> 16,RGB >> 8 & 0xFF,RGB & 0xFF,0)
 33 }
 34 method TScreen.setGamma(int R G B){
 35   Screen_SetGamma(0,0,0,1)
 36   Screen_SetGamma(R, G, B, 0)
 37 }
 38 method TScreen.Clear(int RGB){
 39   Screen_Clear(RGB)
 40 }
 41 method TScreen.Clear(int R G B){
 42   Screen_Clear((B<<16) + (G<<8) + R)
 43 }
 44 method TScreen.Close(){
 45   Screen_Close()
 46 }
 47 method TScreen.CreateRGBFilter(int x y width height RGB){
 49 }
 50 method TScreen.CreateRGBFilter(int x y width height R G B){
 51   Screen_DisplayRGBFilter(x,y,width,height,R,G,B)
 52 }
 53 method int TScreen.getDisplayModes(){
 54   int i = 0
 55   SCREEN_MODES.clear()
 56   if Screen_ExamineScreenModes(){
 57     while Screen_NextScreenMode(){
 58       SCREEN_MODES.expand(1)
 59       SCREEN_MODES[i].tWidth       = Screen_GetWidth ()
 60       SCREEN_MODES[i].tHeight      = Screen_GetHeight()
 61       SCREEN_MODES[i].tDepth       = Screen_GetDepth ()
 62       SCREEN_MODES[i].tRefreshRate = Screen_GetRefreshRate()
 63       i++
 64     }
 65     return $true
 66   }
 67   return $false
 68 }
 69 method TScreen.FlipBuffers(){
 70   Screen_FlipBuffers(GAPI_ScreenSynch)
 71 }
 72 method TScreen.FlipBuffers(int Synch){
 73   GAPI_ScreenSynch = Synch
 74   Screen_FlipBuffers(Synch)
 75 }
 76 property int TScreen.Synch{
 77   return GAPI_ScreenSynch
 78 }
 79 property TScreen.Synch(int Synch){
 80   GAPI_ScreenSynch = Synch
 81 }
 82 property int TScreen.Active{
 83   return Screen_IsActive()
 84 }
 85 method int TScreen.Create(int width height depth){
 86   GAPI_ScreenSynch = $SCREEN_SYNCH
 87   GAPI_ScreenMode.tWidth  = width
 88   GAPI_ScreenMode.tHeight = height
 89   GAPI_ScreenMode.tDepth  = depth
 90   return Screen_Create(width,height,depth,"".ptr())
 91 }
 92 method int TScreen.Create(int width height depth synch){
 93   GAPI_ScreenSynch = synch
 94   GAPI_ScreenMode.tWidth  = width
 95   GAPI_ScreenMode.tHeight = height
 96   GAPI_ScreenMode.tDepth  = depth
 97   return Screen_Create(width,height,depth,"".ptr())
 98 }
 99 method int TScreen.Create(int width height depth synch, str Title){
100   GAPI_ScreenSynch = synch
101   GAPI_ScreenMode.tWidth  = width
102   GAPI_ScreenMode.tHeight = height
103   GAPI_ScreenMode.tDepth  = depth
104   return Screen_Create(width,height,depth,Title.ptr())
105 }
106 method int TScreen.CreateWindowed(int hwnd x y width height){
107   GAPI_ScreenSynch = $SCREEN_SYNCH
108   GAPI_ScreenMode.tWidth  = width
109   GAPI_ScreenMode.tHeight = height
110   GAPI_ScreenMode.tDepth  = 0
111   return Screen_CreateWindowed(hwnd,x,y,width,height,$true,0,0)
112 }
113 method int TScreen.CreateWindowed(int hwnd x y width height AutoStretch){
114   GAPI_ScreenSynch = $SCREEN_SYNCH
115   GAPI_ScreenMode.tWidth  = width
116   GAPI_ScreenMode.tHeight = height
117   GAPI_ScreenMode.tDepth  = 0
118   return Screen_CreateWindowed(hwnd,x,y,width,height,AutoStretch,0,0)
119 }
120 method int TScreen.CreateWindowed(int hwnd x y width height AutoStretch RightOffset BottomOffset){
121   GAPI_ScreenSynch = $SCREEN_SYNCH
122   GAPI_ScreenMode.tWidth  = width
123   GAPI_ScreenMode.tHeight = height
124   GAPI_ScreenMode.tDepth  = 0
125   return Screen_CreateWindowed(hwnd,x,y,width,height,AutoStretch,RightOffset,BottomOffset)
126 }
127 method int TScreen.CreateWindowed(int hwnd x y width height AutoStretch RightOffset BottomOffset Synch){
128   GAPI_ScreenSynch = Synch
129   GAPI_ScreenMode.tWidth  = width
130   GAPI_ScreenMode.tHeight = height
131   GAPI_ScreenMode.tDepth  = 0
132   return Screen_CreateWindowed(hwnd,x,y,width,height,AutoStretch,RightOffset,BottomOffset)
133 }
134 property int TScreen.Handle{
135   return Screen_GetHandle()
136 }
137 property TScreen.RefreshRate(int fps){
138   GAPI_ScreenMode.tRefreshRate = fps
139   Screen_SetRefreshRate(fps)
140 }
141 property int TScreen.RefreshRate{
142   return GAPI_ScreenMode.tRefreshRate
143 }
144 property TScreen.FrameRate(int fps){
145   GAPI_ScreenMode.tFrameRate = fps
146   Screen_SetFrameRate(fps)
147 }
148 property int TScreen.FrameRate{
149   return GAPI_ScreenMode.tFrameRate
150 }
151 property int TScreen.Canvas(){
152   return Screen_GetOutput()
153 }
154 method TScreen.StartFX(){
155   Screen_StartFX()
156 }
157 method TScreen.StopFX(){
158   Screen_StopFX()
159 }