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The global command

Global variables are declared by using the global command. All necessary variables defined within the curly brackets follow the global command. You can put variables of the same type together in a single line; first, you specify a type name, which is followed by variable names separated by either a comma or a space. For example,

   uint g_cur summary mode
   str  name = "John", g_result, company

If the variable type supports the use of of and brackets, you can specify those additional parameters when you describe a global variable. Besides, number variables, along with strings str and binary data buf can be initialized at the moment when they are described with the help of the assignment operation '='. When you initialize variables, you can use macroexpressions. By default, the variable is initialized with zeroes or by calling the corresponding initialization function.

You can address any global variable from the moment it’s declared in further functions and methods.

   str a b = "My string", c
   uint num = 25 * $DIF, num2
   double  dx = $DX + 0.1
   arr x[ 10 ] of int
   arrstr months = %{"January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
                     "June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
                     "November", "December" }

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