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Declaring text function

The text command is used specifically to work with text data. It allows you to generate text of any complexity and size.

When you declare a text-function, you specify the keyword text, the attributes enclosed in angle brackets and the parameters enclosed in parantheses. The attributes as well as the parameters are optional. A text-function does not return the value. The attributes as well as the parameters are declared in the same way as functions. The body of the text function (the output text) starts in a new line after declaring the text function and goes either to the end of the file or to the following service characters: \!.

As for the simple function, strings enclosed in double quotes are inserted into the source code; as for the text function, on the contrary, the source code is inserted into the text.A text function outputs a text to a console or to a string. It is subject to the text function call.

Console output

Output to the console is carried out with the help of the @ unary operation.
@nametextfunc( parameters)

String output

Output to a string is carried out with the help of the @ binary operation where the output string is specified on the left. The result of the text function will be added to the string.
stemp @ nametextfunc( parameters)

Additional features

The service character and the commands operated in a string are used in a text function. Furthermore, a text function uses the following additional commands.

\!     The end of a text function. By default, a text function goes to the end of the file.

\@name(...)     Calling another text function. The output mode (to a console or to a string) is not changed.

\{...}     Insertion of the code block. You can specify the source code enclosed in braces as in the function body. This block fits the block of the lowest level of the function and you can declare subfunctions there. Use operation @"string" in the code block to output a string to the current output stream.

text hello( uint count )
Must be \(count) strings
   uint i 
   fornum i, count : @"\(i + 1) Hello, World!\n"
}Welcome to Gentee!\!

func b <main>
   @hello(3)  // Write to console
   @"Press any key...\n"

   str out
   out @ hello( 5 )
   print( out )

Current output

You can use the current output string by the using this. If this equals zero then the console is the current output of the text function.

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